Custom led neon signs

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In this topic, we will talk about the benefits of signs in general and the benefits of Custom led neon signs in particular, as they are one of the most important things we should pay attention to because they constitute many of the features that deserve this attention.

Custom led neon signs

Neon signs increased in popularity in the twentieth century.

Recently, custom led neon signs have spread in streets and squares all over the world, and due to their development and being newer than regular signs, they are more effective and have many advantages.

Some details that interest you about custom led neon signs

Neon signs are one of the most relaxed and elegant types, multi-use and fashionable.

It catches the eye and attracts the customers heading to this place with its colorful luminous designs and stands out during the day and at night.

Among the most distinctive materials for neon signs that may give you the best experience are:

Neon signs are made of flexible neon.

Flexible neon signs are famous:

They are constantly being developed and presented in a new and advanced form using:

  • A more energy-efficient, safer, energy-efficient, affordable, and affordable material.

While the classic regular neon signs use glass neon tubes, the modern, flexible neon is better.

As it allows the customer to enjoy high-quality lighting with more features and options at a lower cost.

Other important uses of neon besides  custom led neon signs

There is also a wide range of neon signs for weddings, birthdays, and events.

And there are other uses for neon that you can use to make unique gifts, such as paintings that are hung on the wall in the living room, bedroom, or kitchen.

Led neon signs history

Custom led neon signs

Custom led neon signs

The basis for all these developments of neon forms is the neon lamp, which is an electric lamp invented in 1911 by the French scientist Georges Claude.

It differs from the ordinary electric lamp burning tungsten wire and from the fluorescent light and is distinguished from regular lamps in that it does not consume much.

It does not emit heat, so it is common in stations, signs, and facades. However, the tungsten lamp is better than it in terms of clarity of vision.

Ordinary neon bulbs used in the home depend on phosphate, which is a white substance like powder and works on the mechanism of preventing the exit of harmful short radiation from the ultraviolet wave to the outside and giving a comfortable and appropriate color.

There are degrees of white paint: hot white or pure white, or snowy white.

And this mixture is considered to be from materials that no one knows except the manufacturer.

It is one of the secrets of the manufacturers.

The difference in the quality of neon bulbs is a difference in the life of the lamp in addition to the amount of phosphorous substance and its mixture.

All these factors make a difference in the quality of the light.

Neon lamps are energy-saving and widespread in the market based on the same principle but different in design and shapes.

And when the current is less than the minimum required for:

  • The passage of an electric current
  • The watery discharge becomes unstable
  • Intermittent
  • Non-continuous between the poles, which means that the lamp has become worn out and old

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